Ashley Brookes pussy

Posted on Friday 23 September 2005

Ashley Brookes is new but already one of my favorites. Not only does she have high quality photos and videos but she also chats live on cam and does very naughty things. Ashley’s daily blog keeps you up to date with her life and adventures. She is a bad girl so many are naughty! I don’t think there is anything better than chatting with a hot girl like Ashley and watching her get nude then cum for me. She makes me so horny! Go get to know her..she is a great girl with a wild side. Click on the pics below from a cam show to enter this super hot teen’s site.

5 Comments for 'Ashley Brookes pussy'

    October 16, 2005 | 3:00 pm

    hey ashley ,
    i just want to tell that you are beautiful girl i wish i can have you for one night i will lick you anywhere and fuck your fuckingr ass with my long african dick i will make you crie all night with alot of pleasure,you will come and come and come, then i will came inside you and later on your fucking beautiful face and i bet you will never fucking leave me.
    e-mail me at [email protected]
    peace and alot of love

    November 1, 2005 | 11:48 am

    damn girl i would love to tear up that pussy then ass

    November 2, 2005 | 4:31 pm

    Hello ashley, i am a french man and i speek just french, but i speek a little english.
    Je t’écris ashley pout te dire a quel point je te trouve belle, je te parle de ta beauté ultime, pour moi tu représente la perfection, tes beaux yeux bleus vert, ta chevelure d’ange, ton sourire magnifique et ton corps de rève font de toi la femme idéal a mes yeux, tu a en plus l’air très sympha et ton sourire en dit long sur ta joie de vivre, tu doit ètre une femme bien avec qui il doit ètre agréable de discuter et de passer du temps.
    Ce petit poème pour toi ” Belle Ashley tu es telle une étoile qui brille dans la nuit, ta beauté étincellante illumine ma vie, je peu de loin t’admirer, un peu te contempler, même si jamais de près je ne te verrai, pour moi tu illuminera mes jours a chaque fois que j’aurai le loisir de te regarder. Tu es mon étoile qui guide mes yeux vers la lumière de la perfection, pour toi belle dame je suis rempli de passion, tu es mon ange et mon démon, mon plaisir et ma déraison.”
    Foor you angel of my hart, alain.

    November 4, 2005 | 7:23 am

    show yo pussy and let me just fuck yo head of

    November 7, 2005 | 9:29 pm

    damn baby show me some more of you . you have any more pictures

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